

  Got some free time to spend... Made a simple File Manager to classify your files separately and get it organized in sub folders from a messy folder. All you have to do is choose a folder and click the manage files button to manage all your files present in the selected folder. Prerequisites :- You must have JRE (Java) installed on your system to execute the jar file. Download Link :- Please test it and let me know if there are any bugs...  

How to make a Turbo C++ Program compatible for CodeBlocks IDE

This is a very general question as most of the coders are working still on Turbo C++ IDE. So here is a simple  solution to make your Turbo C++ Program compatible for CodeBlocks IDE. Let's Consider the following Simple Code of Insertion Sort  :- So, In the above C++ code,  In order to make this compatible to CodeBlocks, we have to follow these 6 simple steps :- 1.  Replace the header file - #include<iostream.h> with - #include<iostream> 2. Replace the next header file - #include<conio.h> with - using namespace std; 3. Replace the 3rd line - void main() with int main() 4. Remove the 5th line - clrscr(); 5. Replace the 2nd last line - getch(); with - return 0; 6. That's all Enjoy The resultant code will be like this - So, In this way we can run most of the  C++ codes written in Turbo C++ in CodeBlocks IDE.

Arrays in Java

Hello Guys.... This is my second post and in this i am going to talk about Arrays in Java Programming Language. So let's get started:- 1-D Array There are two ways of declaring 1-D array in java :- 1st Method (without using the new keyword) :- Consider this code :-  When we  run this code in a file named we get the output as follows :- Months -  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2nd Method (using the new keyword) :- Consider this code :- When we run this code in a file named we get the output as follows :- Rahul Malhotra is a coder   2-D Array    We can declare the 2-D array in java also by two methods :- 1st Method (using the new keyword) :- The declaration of the 2-D array is the same by the two methods that we just discussed in the 1-D array. The main feature that Java provides in the 2-D array is that, out of the two attributes, one attribute is fixed and other can va...

Important Basics of Java Programming Language

Hello Guys.... This is my first post and in this i am going to talk about some of the important basics and concepts of Java Programming Language which are generally ignored by most of us... I hope that after reading this post many basic concepts regarding java will be cleared to you.So let's get started:-   1. Automatic Type Promotion  Consider this code :-  public class promotion {     public static void main(String args[])     {         byte a=10;         byte b=2;         byte c=a*b;         System.out.println("Result of 10x2 = "+c);     } } When we  run this code in a file named we get the error as follows :- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:     Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte  ...